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Tradutor, revisor, redator (English version available )

Disponível para : Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Translator (English-Portuguese)

Availabe to work in : Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Technical Summary

I am a translator, a writer (two books published in Brasil and one in the U.S.A. - my own version from Portuguese to English), an English teacher, and a coordinator (working with Wizard Idiomas).

Specific Knowlegdes

Im particularly good in translating books on metaphysics and new age; literature; magazine and newspaper articles; screenplays; essays on music, arts and movies; contracts; manuals.
I read and write a lot, so my language skills are being enhanced all the time. Im interested in many subjects, and used to translate contracts and manuals. Im used to typewriting and Microsoft Office.

I learned English by myself - I actually learned how to read in my own language almost by myself when I was just 4, and from then on I started reading lyrics from my sister s pop music records, and translating them (or at least trying to) with a dictionary. That was the start, and since my teens I was more and more into translating, until I lived in New York for a 18 months and eventually assimilated the soul of the English language. Since I came back, in 1999, I ve been working as a translator and an English teacher, besides workig my own books.

Relevant Experience

AATranslations (Spain, 02) - free lance translator

Wizard Idiomas (Brazil, 00/02) -
English teacher, school coordinator

Reed Wheel Weiser (U.S.A., 2001) -


High School

Foreign Languages


Personal data

Brazilian, 34, single

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